--- Version: Feb 2024 ---


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Chinese (native), English (fluent), Finnish (basic)

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Current research projects


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  1. Xu Q., Liu, Q., & Ye, C. (2023) Editorial: Cognitive mechanisms of visual attention, working memory, emotion, and their interactions. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17:1259002.
  2. Xu, Q., Ye, C., Li, X., Zhao, G., & Astikainen, P. (2023). Pain modulates early sensory brain responses to task-irrelevant emotional faces.. European Journal of Pain. 27(6), 666-681.
  3. Xu, Q. (2021). Change detection in the surrounding world: evidence from visual and somatosensory brain responses. (JYU Dissertations, 415, Doctoral dissertation, University of Jyväskylä).
  4. Xu, Q., Ye, C., Hämäläinen, J.A., Ruohonen, E.M., Li, X., & Astikainen, P. (2021). Magnetoencephalography responses to unpredictable and predictable rare somatosensory stimuli in healthy adult humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15, 641273.
  5. Xu, Q., Ye, C., Gu, S., Hu, Z., Yi, L., Li, X., Huang, L., & Liu, Q. (2021). Negative and positive bias for emotional faces: Evidence from the attention and working memory paradigms. Neural Plasticity, 2021, 8851066.
  6. Xu, Q., He, W., Ye, C., & Luo, W. (2019). Attentional bias of emotional faces: anger and happy superiority effect. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 71 (1), 86-94.
  7. Xu, Q., Ruohonen, E. M., Ye, C., Li, X., Kreegipuu, K., Stefanics, G., Luo, W., & Astikainen, P. (2018). Automatic processing of changes in facial emotions in dysphoria: A magnetoencephalography study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 12:186.
  8. Li, X., Vuoriainen, E., Xu, Q., & Astikainen, P. (2023). The effect of sad mood on early sensory event-related potentials to task-irrelevant faces. Biological Psychology, 178, 108531.
  9. Ye, C., Xu, Q., Li, X., Vuoriainen, E., Liu, Q., & Astikainen, P. (2023). Alterations in working memory maintenance of fearful face distractors in depressed participants: An ERP study. Journal of Vision, 23(1), 10-10.
  10. Zhao, G., Li, Y., & Xu, Q. (2022). From Emotion AI to Cognitive AI. International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence, 1(1), 65–72.
  11. Li, X., Sun, J., Wang, H., Xu, Q., Zhang, G., & Wang, X. (2022). Dynamic impact of intelligence on verbal-humor processing: Evidence from ERPs and EROs. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 62, 101057.
  12. Ye, C., Xu, Q., Liu, X., Astikainen, P., Zhu, Y., Hu, Z., & Liu, Q. (2021). Individual differences in working memory capacity are unrelated to the magnitudes of retrocue benefits. Scientific Reports, 11: 7258.
  13. Ye, C., Liang, T., Zhang, Y., Xu, Q., Zhu, Y., & Liu, Q. (2020). The two-stage process in visual working memory consolidation. Scientific Reports, 10:13564.
  14. Ye, C., Hu, Z., Liang, T., Zhang, J., Xu, Q., & Liu, Q. (2020). The mechanism of retro-cue effect in visual working memory: Cognitive phase separation. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 52(4), 399-413.
  15. Ye, C., Sun, H., Xu, Q., Liang, T., Zhang, Y., & Liu, Q. (2019). Working memory capacity affects trade-off between quality and quantity only when stimulus exposure duration is sufficient: Evidence for the two-phase model. Scientific Reports, 9:8727.
  16. Tian, J., Wang, J., Xia, T., Zhao, W., Xu, Q., & He, W. (2018). The influence of spatial frequency content on facial expression processing: An ERP study using rapid serial visual presentation. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-8.
  17. Ye, C., Xu, Q., Liu, Q., Cong, F., Saariluoma, P., Ristaniemi, T., & Astikainen, P. (2018). The impact of visual working memory capacity on the filtering efficiency of emotional face distractors. Biological Psychology. 138, 63-72.